Monday, September 30, 2019
Mexicans and Discrimination Essay
Wetback, spic and beaner are a few of the words people use when talking about a Mexican. Mexican Americans have been the victim of discrimination throughout the history of the United States. Mexicans have a very big stereotype against them. One of the main reasons that they are discriminated against is because of their illegal immigration into the United States. Like many other groups Mexicans immigrated to the United States in search of a better life. Many Mexicans are left with no choice but to come to the U. S illegally because of the cost and obstacles that one has to go through to become a citizen. Because many Mexicans come to the U. S. illegally they are often forced to work physically demanding jobs for less money. Mexican Americans have a long history of experiencing nativism and racism which has resulted in a number of discriminatory conditions and consequences such as, social and geographical segregation, employment discrimination, patterns of abuse at the hands of law enforcement officials, vigilante murder and justice, substandard education, electoral fraud, exclusion from petit and grand juries, forced dislocations from their neighborhoods, voter intimidation, and language discrimination. (Galaviz 2007) Mexicans work under the secondary sector of the Dual labor market. The secondary Dual Labor market has low incomes, little job security, and little training. There are also no rewards apart from wages. Mexicans are forced to work for very low wages either because, as non-citizens, they lack options, or because they may realistically perceive themselves as ââ¬Å"best offâ⬠here, even at very cheap wages, than they were back home. (Aponte 1990) For example, many companies offer very poor working conditions and minimum wage because they know that illegal immigrants have no choice but to accept these conditions because of their status. After the United States victory in the Mexican-American War in 1848 a forced treaty was signed. The treaty was known as Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. This treaty required Mexico to give up over half its land to the United States in exchange for 15 million dollars. Land given up by Mexico included California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo also guaranteed that Mexican citizens living in surrendered lands would be able to keep property rights and would be given United States citizenship if they remained in surrendered lands for at least one year. However, the property rights of Mexicans were ignored by the United States government and local officials. Mexicans were slowly forced from lands which their families had held for generations in many cases. Many organizations, businesses, and homeowners associations had official policies to exclude Mexican Americans. In many areas across the Southwest, Mexican Americans lived in separate residential areas, due to laws and real estate company policies. This group of laws and policies, known as redlining, lasted until the 1950s, and fall under the concept of official segregation. In many other instances, it was more of a general social understanding among Anglos that Mexicans should be excluded. For instance, signs with the phrase ââ¬Å"No Dogs or Mexicansâ⬠were posted in small businesses and public pools throughout the Southwest well into the 1960s. Mexicans were also restricted from being jurors, even if the case involved a Mexican. Schools also discriminated against Mexican children and eventually Mexicans were made to open their own schools. Though times have changed Mexicans are still discriminated against because of the stereotype they are associated with. Many believe that all Mexicans come over here illegally and do not deserve the same rights as citizens do. Even now people believe that Mexicans should be sent back to Mexico and an example of that is Phoenix, Arizona and its Immigration Law.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
What Cause People to Have Shame
According to the New International Webster s Pocket Dictionary of the English Language shame means, a painful feeling caused by a sense of guilt, unworthiness, impropriety, etc. Another definition is a person or thing causing disgrace or humiliation. I m going to use the first definition in this paper. There are a lot of thing that causes people to be ashamed. When shame shows up in people s lives it causes people to be unhappy, hide things from others, and to feel guilty about things. Shame causes people to be unhappy. In the story The Necklace Mathilde was a poor woman and she married and poor man. Mathilde was unhappy with her life because she wasn t living the life that she wanted to live. She wanted expensive things like large, silent anterooms, decorated with oriental tapestries and lighted by high bronze floor lamps, with two elegant valets in short culottes dozing in large armchairs under the effects of forced-air heaters (Manupassant 4). She also wanted large drawing rooms draped in the most expensive silks, with fine end tables on which were placed knickknacks of inestimable value (Manupassant 4). The last thing she wanted was the perfume of dainty private rooms, which were designed only for intimate tete-a-tetes with the closest friends, which make her the envy of all the other women. Like we discussed in class, if she was so unhappy with the way she was living then why come she didn t marry a rich man and then she would have the things that she dreamed of. Her shame over material things that she wanted made her unhappy. Also In The House on Mango Street there was this little girl and her parents they lived in a apartment that wasn t worth living in. The girl was unhappy with the place she had to live. She wanted to live in a house with a back yard and a house that wasn t tore up but in perfect condition. She wanted what we call the ideal house. In tell she will have her ideal house it s just takes time. Shame cause people to feel guilty. Guilt is a feeling of blameworthiness for having committed a crime or wrong (Webster 223). In The Necklace Mathilde was a shame of the clothes that she had. Her husband and herself were invited to a dinner party, but she refused to go because she wanted a new dress. He finally gave in and got her a new dress. After she got that she still refused to go because she didn t have any jewelry to wear so she borrowed from her friend. She went to the dance and had a good time. On the way back home she lost the necklace. Shame made here feel guilty because she had lost something that didn t belong to here. In The House on Mango Street the girl felt guilty to tell people where she stayed because of the condition of the house. The girl was ashamed of were she stayed that it made her unhappy to even have to go there everyday. In First Confession Jackie felt guilty having gone to confession to confess his sins. He thought that he was a really bad person. He told the priest that he didn t like his grandmother and her wanted her dead and that he had tried to kill his sister with a bread-knife under the table. Shame causes people to hide things from others. In The Necklace Mathilde borrowed a necklace from one of her friends and on the way home from the dinner party she loses it. Instead of telling her friend that she lost she hid it from here. So she had to borrow money from people to go buy another necklace. At the end of the story she runs into her friend that she borrowed the necklace from and to come to find out the necklace wasn t even real. When you hide things from others you re not hurting them you re hurting yourself. If she had told her friend that she lost her necklace then she wouldn t have had to go through the turmoil that she went through. In other words she should have been honest with her friend. She was so shame that she had lost her friend s necklace that she wanted to hide it from here so that she wouldn t think that she was a careless person In conclusion, shame can affect us in many ways. In this paper I talked about how shame causes people to be unhappy, to feel guilty, and to hide things from others.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Business Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Law - Research Paper Example The best answer for this question is found in the Massachusetts Constitution, which states that all people must have equal dignity, and rights, which means that it does not allow development of second-class citizens. However, the Commonwealth and the Department of Public Health denies civil marriage of same-sex couples. Therefore, the ultimate aim of this context is to outline the case that was held at Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts concerning same-sex marriage (Kiritsy 12). The paper also argues and supports the majority opinion, which represents judicial activism. Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, Suffolk, November 18, 2003 On November 18 2003, there was a case filed by same-sex couples who alleged that they were deprived their rights to acquire a marriage license by the department and Commissioner of Public Health. The couple claimed that the department policy and observation refused to give them the marriage license, which was violation of several stipulations of State Constitution. The case was very complicated and to make judgment was a big dilemma (Vermont Public Radio 43). The superior court department had a cross-motion for judgment and eventually Thomas E. Connolly, J., summarized the case for Department but the plaintiffs appealed. The Supreme Court granted the requests of the parties for direct appellate evaluation and the ultimate opinion by Marshall, C.J, was that: The decree of marriage license were not vulnerable of interpretation therefore, same sex couples qualified to obtain marriage license As a matter of initial reaction, snagging of benefits, protections and compulsion of opposite sexes needed rational foundation and infringed state constitutional equal protection rights. The judgment by the Supreme Court was controversial in a way that some prominent people concurred with it while others differed. Greaney, J., was one of the few people who concurred with it while majority differed. For instance, Spina, J. disagreed with th e judgment and was joined by Cordy, JJ. Sosman also opposed it and was joined by Cordy and Spina while Cordy disputed against the issue of marriage in the case (Foderaro 161). Therefore, since the people who dissented with the judgment represented the judicial activism, it is clear that the activism were the majority in the case. In other words, majority of the people were against the issue of same-sex marriage licensing among them being the Commonwealth and Department of Public Health. In order to understand why majority of opinion represented judicial activism, it is important to understand the aspect of marriage. The Marriage Issue The decree of marriage licensing is both a public records and gatekeeping decree, which lays down minimum requirements for acquiring a marriage license and guides town and city clerks, the department of public health and the registrar to remain and maintain some crucial records of civil marriages. M.G.L.A. c. 207, à §Ã § 19, 20. If the Department of Public Health and Commonwealth were against same-sex marriage and they are the same people who are issued with the qualifications of marriage license, then it means that the judgment was indeed wrong (Katie 111). The judgment was based on the Massachusetts constitution, which supports same-sex marriage, but it
Friday, September 27, 2019
Write an appraisal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Write an appraisal - Essay Example Her skills in terms of team building are exceptional. She has the ability to create an environment that is team-oriented. She is capable of transforming a group to a team. She is also focused on strengthening the relationship among the members of her team. She is able to come up with fresh ideas that can be used to enable the improvement of the quality of the output. She strictly adheres to all the instructions provided to her formally. She also takes interest on increasing her knowledge in regards to any given job. As much as she makes she makes decisions carefully, and can solve the simple problems, she also has to learn how to solve the complex problems. I recommend enough exposure to the difficult problems for her so that she can be able to learn out of them. She needs to be exposed more to the people who are at the top management of an organization, so that she can be able to learn more on how to communicate with the top management people. She also needs to be exposed to more clients so that she can be able to develop excellent communication skills in regards to
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Why is the Earl of Moray's role in the Chaseabout Raid still debated Essay
Why is the Earl of Moray's role in the Chaseabout Raid still debated - Essay Example It will, however, validate the charge of Bothwells sexual violence. Scholars have debated whether Mary was born on 7 or 8 December 1542, even though she celebrated her birthday on the 8th. As her contemporaries were sometimes vague about dating events that occurred shortly after midnight, it is likely that she was born in the early hours of the 8th at Linlithgow Palace to Mary of Guise, the second wife of James V of Scotland, whose parents were James IV and Margaret Tudor, a sister of Henry VIII. As Marys father died a few days after her birth in despair because of the recent English victory at Solway Moss, she could not remember a time when she was not queen regnant. The immediate accession controversy was not over her sex but her age, for she required a regent. The heir presumptive, James Hamilton, second earl of Arran, gained the office with English aid but soon found that his arrangements for Mary to wed Henry VIIIs heir were extremely unpopular. Arrans major rival was Matthew Stewart, fourth earl of Lennox, who returned from exile as a French partisan and claimed to be the rightful heir presumptive and regent because of some irregularity in the marriage of Arrans parents. After Marys coronation in September 1543, Arran rejected the English alliance, and in 1548, having been promised the dukedom of Chatelherault, agreed to her removal to France as the betrothed of Francis, the dauphin, who was born in 1544. Meanwhile, the English invaded Scotland, attempting to seize Mary, a claimant to their throne as a grandchild of Margaret Tudor, in raids called the Rough Wooing. Lennox retreated to England and wed Margaret Douglas, the daughter of Margar et Tudor, who gave birth to Darnley in
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Accounting Theory and Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Accounting Theory and Practice - Essay Example e paper focuses on the difficulties and huddles facing the harmonization of accounting standards and practices and provides a possible solution to the problems it is facing. The paper also discusses the various economical issues that deal with intangible assets in an organization. It states the ways in which intangible assets are valued and how they positively and negatively affect the financial statement and status of the organization. The paper further discusses the implementation of the code of corporate governance by using Omantel Company as a case study. It also evaluates how the company has implemented a code of corporate governance. The harmonization of the standards and practices of accounts all over the world is the process of bringing together concepts of accounting to a common position. In the world, every country and organization has its own practices and standards of accounting. The harmonization of accounting standards all over the world has been a major concern especially among professionals in accounting. This process involves the convergence of different international accounting standards with the aim of coming up with a similar financial statement all over the world. The harmonization of accounting standards has been a major concern among countries that are involved in trading activities with countries with different accounting standards. Because of the difficulties that come along with varying accounting standards, professionals see the need of harmonizing the accounting standards so as to make trading processes easier Ashley, Leatherbury, Machuca and Philips, 2012). If the accounting standards in the world are converged together, the economy of the world will be in a good position in several ways. The coming up with financial statements would be much easier because only a common standard would be used in making the report. As for now, coming up with one financial report statement is difficult because of the use of different accounting
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Leadership - Essay Example It would be wise to say that a leader is not born but is developed by experience, knowledge and practice. A good leader is one who can motivate his followers spontaneously and lead them to the path of success in a smooth manner. According to (Curry) ââ¬Å"It goes without saying that good leadership is crucial to any successful business. But, what makes a good leader and how can someone develop himself or herself into a good leader if they are not one to begin with? The answer is that there are many factors that contribute to a good leadership. And, whether someone is naturally a good leader or not, anyone can become a good leaderâ⬠. A good leader is one who sets himself as a role model and example for next generation to look upon and get inspire to follow a successful path. The leadership quality is at times inherited, while sometimes it is cultivated by practice, experience and knowledge. Leadership is the process by which a person influences people around him to achieve a par ticular target or goal. A leader needs to make use of his best ability and power to bring about changes in the atmosphere he is working to get a desired result. However, there are different styles of leadership and as well different types of personality in leaders. Some people have gained popularity being a good King, and some as dictators; nonetheless, they all had the ambition to rule the world by any means. But, currently the leaderships which are in vogue are the authoritative leader, transformational leader, aristocratic leader and so on. Leadership where in the leaders has the quality of being innovative, authoritative, has visionary skills and goal oriented can be termed as transformational leader. Today the world has changed in to a global business arena and the emergence of numerous businesses corporate and international business chains have made business leaders to be demanding and evolutionary. The capacity to lead a team or organization is a very tedious task and it requ ires a lot of skill and ability to perform a task faultless and successfully. Being a leader requires an immensely high level of vision, creative thoughts and energy and one should be able to bring up aspiration and motivation in people around him. A good leadership is performed through a social influence where in number of people are spontaneously motivated to work according to the style of the specific leader. Steve Jobs is one such leader, who has changed the face of computer technology by his intense passion and love for electronic world. History and Background of Steve Jobs Steve Jobs is a renowned business magnate of America and also the CEO of Apple Incorporation. His official name is Steve Paul Jobs has much professional experience in business world before entering his own venture of selling personal computer. His venture was initiated in early 1970s, and later years progressed to become one of the famous and successful business the American business world .Jobs have previou sly held positions in Pixar Animation Studio as CEO, and also has been a board member of The Walt Disney Company before starting his own venture .He has also been the executive producer for the movie ââ¬Å"Toy Storyâ⬠in 1995 which can be counted as a worthy experience in movie business. It is a matter of credit that Steve with his other business associates designed and marketed first line of commercially successful
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Effect of World Agribusiness Trade on Arizona, or American Essay
The Effect of World Agribusiness Trade on Arizona, or American Southwest - Essay Example Based on the fact that the statistics are based on the Bureau of Economic Analysis, it shows that they are genuine, and, hence, need to be offered the optimum priority in terms of consideration on how the international agribusiness has affected Arizona. The table compares Arizona with other U.S selected states as a way of demonstrating the effect of international agribusiness to Arizona (Moss et al., 2012, 5-7). The table enumerates that the GDP generated in Colorado through agribusiness is on the same order as Arizona. It is noted that both Arizona and Colorado primary livestock and crop production is 0.5 and 0.6 respectively for all industries. The statistics on the table show that Arizona started participating in international agribusiness several years ago. Fundamentally, the implication of the percentage is relatively lower than the share in the U.S as a whole. Thus, the implication of the table below is agribusiness and other related trade issues have not created a lot of positive impact in Arizona in general. The enumeration is related to on ten years ago. Thus, it implies that the initial impact of agribusiness on Arizona was not worthwhile. The reason for poor agribusiness in the initial year can be due to poor farming methods and other related aspects in agribusiness (Miljkovic, 2006, 17-19). Thus, the illustration made on the table below is genuine based on the analysis done by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Abnormal assessment Essay Example for Free
Abnormal assessment Essay Describe 3 abnormal assessment findings for a child, adolescent, pregnant woman, adult or older adult which indicate a nutritional problem. What additional questions should the nurse ask based on these findings? What are the Healthy People Goals for this population? How can the nurse promote health and adequate nutrition based on this problem? Does the nutritional problem have any legal or ethical implications? Adolescents Three abnormal assessment findings for an adolescent are as follows: malnutrition, obesity, eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. First and foremost, being sensitive to the patientââ¬â¢s self-image can be crucial. Talking with them in a non-judgmental way can be key in maintain a great relationship with them. Once we establish a trusting relationship, we as nurses may begin to promote health and adequate nutrition through teaching methods. Even if the nutritional issue is outside our comfort zone we may reach out to another professional for guidance, such as a Registered Dietitian. If we didnââ¬â¢t have to take that big of a step we can always use not only our knowledge, knowledge of coworkers and other medical professionals, but also the books and other various tools that we have used on our educational journey. Discussing BMI according to the adolescentââ¬â¢s gender and age is an important factor in health promotion. One helpful guide to healthy eating is the My Pyramid. Physical activity with healthy food choices is a great way to manage your weight and maintaining your overall healthy body. Many adolescents like to skip meals or have irregular meal patterns. I know first-hand that we have busy lives but being able to be consistent and eat healthy or the healthier of choice of meals will allow us to continue to maintain a healthier body. A healthy diet should be balanced with adequate physical activity. I know some people work late nights so food choices are much more limited in this scenario. Choosing foods that arenââ¬â¢t high in fat will definitely help with nutrition. Sometimes people see themselves as being a certain way which alters their eating habits. You could have someone that is of healthy size and weight that may see themselves as being overweight. In their mind they need to lose this weight which affects them in the future. As they start to diet and possibly exercise more, their body may not be receiving the necessary nutrients it needs in order to maintain a healthy status. This can lead to malnutrition. Some physical signs and symptoms suggestive of malnutrition are as follows (Jensen, 2011): * Hair that is dull, brittle, dry, or falls out easily * Swollen glands of the neck and cheeks * Dry, rough, or spotty skin that may have a sandpaper feel * Poor or delayed wound healing or sores * Thin appearance with lack of subcutaneous fat * Muscle wasting (decreased size and strength) * Edema of the lower extremities * Weakened hand grasp * Depressed mood * Abnormal heart rate, heart rhythm, or blood pressure * Enlarged liver or spleen * Loss of balance or coordination Abnormal findings of malnutrition are as follows (Jensen, 2011): Mild malnutrition: 80%-90% of ideal weight Moderate malnutrition: 70%-80% of ideal weight Severe malnutrition: 70% of ideal weight Questions: What have you eaten in the last 24 hours? Is this intake typical? What did you drink in the last 24 hours? What is your typical meal pattern? Have you noticed a change in your weight? Are you concerned about your weight? Do you think that you are too fat? Do you think that you are too skinny? Do you ever use diet supplements or laxatives or limit the amount of calories you ingest? What type of physical activity do you get each week? According to healthy people 2020 the goal for nutrition and weight status is to promote health and reduce chronic disease risk through the consumption of healthful diets and achievement and maintenance of healthy body weights (Healthy People, 2012). In regards to the question, ââ¬Å"does the nutritional problem have any legal or ethical implications,â⬠it would depend on the situation. If the adolescent was in the care of a facility and they were not providing the necessary nutrients for them to survive then there would definitely be a legal issue at hand. If the adolescent was experiencing this issue on their own as say a self-identity issue then it is more of an ethical scenario. There are various situations and there may be a different answer to similar questions or maybe even different answers to the same question but given to different patients. This is why we do the assessments. We need to gather all the information and implement the best approach for that particular pati ent.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Describe an Experience That Influenced Your Career Choice. Essay Example for Free
Describe an Experience That Influenced Your Career Choice. Essay Having grown up in a country where the prevalence of the shadow economy is on par with the continual political problems due to the mismanagement by autocrats. Public administration has surrounded me for as long as I can remember. On graduating ,i went to possess insight into many issues such as the way people and businesses react to the development and management of government programs by public administrators. I had some practical experience working at a hospital in Nigeria with sometime spent in the accounting department, this enabled me gain a practical experience of how the laws/duties/decisions made by public administrators affects people/individuals in real life situations such as explaining why people in less developed countries are prepared to pay for healthcare with private hospitals rather than using the national institutions which usually have worse service and deplorable equipments mainly due to mismanagement, wrong fiscal policies and corruption. The issues of customer satisfaction and equity were studied first hand and when comparing with the UK system, one would only praise the NHS(National Health Service) for its equitable approach unlike many other countries were only those than can afford treatment get it. During my university years, I was a part of the committee through whom student members voiced their opinion in reviving the Osun State Student Association at Bowen university ,which had lost his finesse. I was appointed the Financial Secretary and was indeed a challenge, as we had to work hard as a team creating and implementing programs and reforms, managing and allocating our own time and finances to ensure success, I was also part of the team that assisted the students to get there bursary from the State Government, and trust me it wasnââ¬â¢t easy in the sense that we had to keep writing letters and going out of our way to ensure the students get paid because its part of their civil right. During my National Youth Service Corps(NYSC) as a member of the Sports Community Development Group. Having acquired the silver award after the torment of hiking over double figure mileage distances to raise funds forà the homeless children in Enugu State of Nigeria, it has enabled me to be more organized and helped me develop my ability to make quick, accurate and appropriate decisions in peril. Currently I am an accountant and a Guardian counselor in a primary and nursery school in Nigeria which goes by the name Macro Nursery and Primary school, I assist the younger generations in making right,responsibe,reputable and reasonable decisions in life. Leadership is also an important quality at succeeding in most areas, hence my appointment as one of the prefects in my secondary school has definitely helped me develop as a young adult. These duties are very rewarding and will be vital skills in preparing for life after public administration, studying this course in your university will enable me furthe
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